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Web Dashboard

You can monitor your earning using Earning Web Dashboard.
These are not your actual earnings that you can invoice us. These are only an illustration of what you might earn.
You can find a detail explanation about how to calculate earnings in the Frequently Asked Questions.
There are several ways to monitor your earnings, Yearly, Monthly or even Daily.









Success Success Charge SMS
Failed Failed Charge SMS. There are some causes for this, but mostly because of insufficient user's balance
Total Total incomming SMS
Prosentase Procentage Success and Failed SMS
Revenue Nett: Your nett earnings after Operator's cut and SMSMOO's cut
Gross: End user's SMS price.
Displayed without applied tax
Potential Revenue Potensial
Projection Revenue Projection Revenue are calculated based on average earning on that specific timeframe (Yearly, Monthly or Daily).
In the Yearly Earning view, projection revenue will calculated in the current month.
In the Monthly Earning view, projection revenue will be calculated in the current day.
In the Daily Earning view, projection revenue will be calculated in the current hour.